Friday, 20 January 2012

Short Story I Wrote

(TheRainKisser is my username on a writing website)

It was all too much.

A sense of loss washed over me as I watched the events unfold in front of me. I was at the park with my Mum, Dad and younger Brother when it happened. It was something I knew was inevitable, that sooner or later it was going to happen but it still shocked me to tears. My Mum put her head in her hands while my Dad yelled. My Brother rolled his eyes and gave me a look that wondered if I was crazy, or possibly insane. All this was happening and I couldn’t care less…

As I am Bipolar and all I had wanted was that last Potato Chip!

Monday, 16 January 2012

I Know A Girl

I know a girl.
A Beautiful, Kind, Caring, Strong girl.
Though we haven’t known each other long,
I couldn’t imagine life without her.
I can tell her so much, and nothing at all at the same time.
This girl has a dark side, it’s called Depression.
Baring her heart to me I lay in bed in the early hours of the morning,
Promising her she will be alright, that the pain will go.
We may be on opposite sides of the Country,
But I’ll be there as long as she needs me.
One day I’ll be able to give her the hugs she deserves.
I’ll be the Demi to her Selena.
Just perfect in our imperfection.
Thanks for being my friend
Thanks Forever,

Thursday, 5 January 2012

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Hey Guys!

Hope you all had an EPIC Christmas and New Year!
Mine was pretty good. Got some pretty cool presents and spent time with family which was good.

Do any of you guys keep resolutions?

I don't usually, but this year mine is to finish writing a story. I don't usually get mine finished so this year I'm going to change that and finally get to the end of one.

On a more serious note, It's almost the one year anniversary of the flood. It's only five more days and it will be a year since the January 10 flood... pretty scary.

Oh! You may have noticed that I updated my blog layout. If you have a blogger blog and you too want this layout just click here to visit Pugly Pixel and you will be able to download this layout for free! Just do as the instructions say and back-up your blog just in case you stuff up.

Well I might finish up here,

Cya Soon!
Ashleigh xoxo