Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Some Good and Bad news!

Hey Guys!

Bet you guys have been wondering where I’ve been. Truthfully, I’ve been busy doing other things (which may or may not involve thinking about a possible future blog redesign). I’ve also been busy playing around with Photoshop and learning new things to do with it.

This post however, is about my Health.

Since around November, I haven’t been feeling very well. I’ve been light-headed, dizzy, tired and all sorts of bad unwell feelings. Well today I finally went to the Doctor and may have found out what’s wrong with me.

I haven’t mentioned this in the blog yet, but I take medication for Mental Health issues. So around November, I had increased one of my medications which could possibly be why I’ve been feeling sick.

You may not know this, but in the brain there is a special chemical called Serotonin. Unofficially it’s “The Happy Chemical” as it helps make you feel happy. That means if you have low levels of Serotonin, it is quite possible you may have Depression or some related illness. Well, If I do have Serotonin Syndrome, I have too much of it and my brain can’t cope. That possibly could be what is making me feel sick. I won’t go into too much detail but it isn’t a good thing to have and means I need to get rid of one of my medication to fix it.

Good news, I should feel better after getting rid of that tablet. However, the bad news is getting rid of this tablet might affect my moods and make me not be so stable. Well I guess my blood test tomorrow should be able to tell me what I need to know. Then I should be able to get better.

Sorry about the seriousness of the blog but I wanted to write a blog and this was the only thing I could think of. I Pinky Promise I’ll write a happier blog next time.

Thanks for reading

 (P.S. Do you like my new signature?)