Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Leaving the cocoon - Moving out... Well sort of.

Hey guys!

I have some big news, I moved out.

Technically I haven't moved out moved out, but I've moved out of my old bedroom and into a bedroom out in the back yard. This means that I now have more responsibility and will eventually have to do everything for myself (like cooking dinner every night and cleaning).

At the moment however the Internet out here is a bit iffy as the wireless isn't strong enough and the wireless extender doesn't seem to like my computer, which means that I have to use my iPod touch for Internet. That means that I may not be able to do much pretty stuff for the blog... But other than that, it should be all good. Possibly you won't even notice.

In other news, it's almost my dad's birthday which is on the 7th Of April and he will be 42. Then the day after that is Easter Sunday. Then after that is my sisters birthday on the 22nd of April and she'll be 17, God that makes me feel old... 20 might not really be all that old but it feels it, also I rather like being 19.

Well may finish up here, oh and don't forget to smile you guys, it's good for you.

I'll blog again soon

Ashleigh xoxo

(edit: I don't seem to have as much control over picture placement or sizing on the Blogger App so just bear with me ok.)

Monday, 19 March 2012

Reflections of a Special Kind

Doesn't matter the distance, as long as there is a way to communicate.
Hi, this isn't really an actual post but I felt like writing an entry anyway.

Hope you guys are happy and well, I am well-ish at the moment. I found out I do not have the Flu... phew, but yeah I just didn't feel well but i feel much better.

I just wanted to write a post to say for me computers have been a bit of a life saver. Without a computer, I would have never met most of my friends... Yeah, i know it sounds seedy/creepy/you name it, but I met a lot of my close friends on a website called Livewire. Livewire is an Australian website founded by the Starlight Children's Foundation (don't worry, it gets screened to keep the creepy people out) and it is for people with Serious, Chronic Illness and Disabilities. I don't go on so much any more but I still talk to a few of the ones I am really close to. If I hadn't of met those people, I probably wouldn't be as happy friendship wise as I am today. I used to get really depressed because I had no friends, but now I feel i can say I do.

So what i'm saying is that it doesn't matter where the person is, as long as you have a means of communication you can still consider them your friend. Sometimes, your best friend is not someone you spend forever with in the shops/movies/wherever, it's the person who is there for you no matter how you feel, the one that you would do anything for.

So if any of those people I am talking about reads this, I truly thank-you for being my friend.

Thank-you and you'll see me when i post my next post.

Thursday, 15 March 2012

Neglected blog is Neglected...

I Love my Readers!

Hi! Its been ages since I wrote a blog, i guess i should post more often. Hope you all are happy and healthy. I am sick at the moment, i may just be a hypochondriac and all but I think I have the Flu... so I'm not happy. Feel sore all over, dizzy and really tired. I want health, is anyone able to give me any???

My last health I wrote about seems to be fixed, so that's good. All I needed to do is lower the dose of a tablet. I had a blood test which however, showed that one of my tablets doses could be increased so we did that, again all good.

In other news, If I am good this month, I may be able to move out of my bedroom and into the room out the back. So far, I don't think I'm doing to well but I may be wrong. So lets see how that ends up.

I am in the process of starting up another blog, it's called "Awesomly Kawaii" and I'm going to post Kawaii, which in japanese translates to "cute", things that I find on the internet. Hopefully you guys will check it out when I'm finished setting it up.

I just noticed a Spelling error in my title of that blog...


From now on, I am going to put more pictures in my blog posts. I read somewhere that people like pictures, so I'm going to please them by posting pictures... OK?

Lastly, if you ever want to suggest things to improve the blog, you can contact me at:


Just don't spam it... ok.

Thanks for reading...