Hi everyone!
I'm back on my computer now, I've technically been back on it for a while now but I hadn't gotten around to writing a blog post. I might do the update first then I'll get into the info that is the main focus of this "article" (hehe,,, article), Well my health hasn't been too good lately, which those of you who have been reading the previous posts may know. I had been feeling light headed and dizzy and just plain (excuse the language) Crap, I have now found out what it is, I have been diagnosed with a Fatty Liver, which if you don't know already is basically a step down from Type II Diabetes... so yeah, not good. The good news, however is that it is treatable and can be reversed... bad news (well for me at least), is that I have to eat Healthier and do more exercise. So far, I haven't been doing so well on the eating side of things though I am slowly getting better on the exercise side as I am now doing about 10 minutes of exercise. This will gradually build up until I get to about 30 minutes, which is the recommended amount of daily exercise (or so I hear). So no more laziness for me.
Ok, get ready boys and girls for the interesting facts… WOOOH!
Ahem… and time to begin:
What is Asperger’s Syndrome:
As defined by Google DefinitionAs·per·ger's syn·drome
noun /ˈaspərgərz/
A developmental disorder related to autism and characterized by higher than average intellectual ability coupled with impaired social skills and restrictive, repetitive patterns of interest and activities.
Symptoms of Asperger’s – in plain English.
Obsessions, or extreme interest in a certain subject.
For me at this current time, my obsession is probably either Hello Kitty, or The Hunger Games series (could even possibly be going back to my old obsession of the band Muse…)Difficulty with changing routines:
When I have to change my plans, let’s say I was going to go out with my carer like I do every Friday and she had to cancel, I may either get stressed and panicky and almost “what am I going to do now, I was looking forward to this…” kind of feeling.Or I could also if it’s a major change such as, let’s use my moving out into the back room as an example: I could get really stressed and panicky and cry and negative.
Taking things literally, doesn’t get sarcasm:
People with Asperger’s generally tend to take things literally. So let’s say that someone was being sarcastic and said “I like your [theoretical] pink fluffy flamingo hat” (not that I would wear a pink fluffy flamingo hat, but that’s beside the point…) I might think that they were being serious, especially if they were REALLY good at sarcasm and didn’t use the usual ‘sarcastic’ tone. However, I am slowly getting better at Sarcasm and can even use it a bit myself sometimes.Has trouble socially:
People with Asperger’s usually have a high chance of being considered outsiders because of their interests and behaviour, so as a result they are usually very socially awkward. But what most Asperger’s Kids tend to lack in social skills can also tend to be made up in intelligence or knowledge in certain areas in school. Let’s use a theoretical Asperger’s kid as an example, He may have no friends whatsoever but he is the top of his class in Science and can recite the periodic table of elements from memory. Or if we are using me, I use the computer to make and keep friends. I met most of my friends on a website called Livewire (see previous posts for more information,) and some of us are really close. I may not always know the right things to say, so sometimes I might say the wrong thing at the wrong time or say something offensive and don't even know I did it.Has trouble with body language.
People with Asperger’s tend not to understand body language unless it is obvious. Even I still have a bit of trouble with this but I am slowly learning.Well I’ll finish up here for now, I’ll post a few link to websites with more information:
Thanks for reading it, hopefully it made some sense. :)
I'll post soon... might even make a reminder to post so you guys get more of me.
[Edit: Hi, just want to let you guys know that there is a tab up the top of the page that links to a list of friends blogs, just thought i'd let you know in case you didn't know about it.]