Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Fluttering of a Butterflies Wings - Things I love Pt 1


I am sure the blog was starting to feel a bit neglected, so I have decided to show it a bit of love and write a new blog post.

I have decided to write about things and people that I love. Some of these include the following...

I love Music.

Music I could not live without, it cheers me up when I'm Sad and/or Stressed and calms me down when I'm angry.

Some music I love at this current moment includes...
  • Christina Perri
  • Glee
  • Florence + The Machine
  • Muse
  • Regina Spektor
  • Demi Lovato

I love Livewire.

Livewire is an Australian website run by The Starlight Children's Foundation for Teens between the ages of 13 and 21 with Chronic Illness or Disabilities. I have now been a member for about three or four years and have many friends that I have met on the site. The website has a Chatroom, articles to read and blogs written by members of the site. Livewire helps so much when you are feeling sad or just plain sick and you want something to distract you or people to cheer you up. Everyone on Livewire is really supportive and there is always people online if you want to have a good chat.

If you want to know more and you are a teen in Australia, go to www.livewire.org.au and there is information available for you to read about the site.

I Love Strange things.

Ok, that heading might be a smidge misleading but i do like some things that people find weird.

I absolutely love Coloured Stockings. Pink, Blue, Green, Purple... it doesn't matter, if they are bright and colourful I love 'em. I think it started when I was in year 11 (or the age 16 for the clueless) and I watched Angus, Thongs & Perfect Snogging, and in the last few minutes of the movie the main character is wearing a Denim Skirt with... i think it was purple, stockings. So then I became obsessed with Purple Stockings and looked everywhere for them, in one shop to another, until I did find the Coveted Purple Stockings. Of course I had to buy them. But the obsession didn't stop there, the next colours to come were Pink, Blue & Yellow. I am determined to get more colours as soon as I find them, so watch out everyone!

Ok, I don't love as many strange things as I thought...

I Love Keys.

Keys. Ok, there is a story behind this but don't worry it's really short...

One day I found this book called, wait for it, 'Lock and Key' by Sarah Dessen and the main character of the story wears a house key on a chain around her neck. For some reason, I became obsessed with the idea and wanted a key necklace. For years afterwards, i started searching for the 'right' key necklace. I did, however, find that necklace but I will continue loving key necklaces as long as they are sold.

I Love My Home.

Ok, this one is pretty universal. My home, is located in the Sunny State of Queensland, Australia and I have lived here all my life. Well I have moved cities, once, but I can't remember that as I was too young...

When I went over to Western Australia on Holidays in September this year, I got really depressed and started getting 'Homesick' even with the fact that my whole family was over there with me. I don't know why I love my city so much, it drives me crazy for the lack of disability support and lack of stuff to do for those who don't drink, but I still love it to pieces. I could never move or I would just come running back. So yeah, I love my home <3

So this is the end of Part One of this list, I'll post another list later on... I promise. :)

So thanks for reading,
Ashleigh xoxo

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Galah trying to eat a shoe

A Pretty Picture of Me & Some more info!

Hi Guys!

Here is a picture of me that I took with my new iPod touch. I bought it on Saturday and already I am addicted to it. I took this photo on an app called 'Instagram' of which I am addicted to as well.

Do you like my necklace? It is only a cheap (around $14.00 AUD) replica of Alice Cullen's Necklace from the Twilight Saga movies. It is one of my favourite necklaces and I wear it all the time, I actually wear it more than the more expensive jewellery that I own. I am also in love with the dress in the photo, I bought it last Wednesday and I am actually wearing it for the second time today.

In the background, you can see my guitar... of which my Sister plays more than I do. The guitar is one of many hobbies I attempted to start and then gave up on. I am kind of a sucker for hobbies, though the one hobby I have done almost consistantly throughout my life is reading. I love reading lots of different types of books from Paranormal Romance through to Non-Fiction. At the moment, since I was diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder in May, I have been in a bit of a Reading Rut where I haven't been able to convince myself to pick up a book and read. This is kind of sad for me as there are so many books that I really want to read, but can't as I am taking ages to finish books. Hopefully that will be over soon.

Don't forget to smile and I Hope you like the photo!

Ashleigh xoxo

Friday, 18 November 2011

Butterfly Kisses - Just facts about me and the Blog


My name is Ashleigh and I just want to say Welcome to my new blog. I used to have an old blog but I kinda stopped writing in it and forgot the web address, so I had to start a new one.

The name of this blog has a meaning behind it, and I would like to make a short explanation. Don't worry, I will do more of an explanation in further blogs. The name came from a Blog a friend of mine wrote while she was sick with Bone Cancer. Her blog entry, which was called "Kiss the Rain" named after the Yiruma song of the same name, was about what her view of what Heaven would be like. In this blog she wrote that she would send Butterflies to her friends when they were sad, and since have found that butterflies seem to be everywhere when i need them. Like today for example, I was at the shops and just after having lunch I walked past the health food shop and, what did it see, a stainless steel water bottle with Blue Butterflies on it. I'm guessing my friend knew that's what I needed for work and somehow sneakily told me to look in there as I passed. I did, in fact, buy that water bottle just as a bit of a reminder... ok, maybe just a little bit because I needed it.

As this is my first entry, here are some random facts about me...

  • You already know my name, so I'll say my current age which is 19. Yes I am a relatively young blogger but nobody really cares about your age when your blogging...
  • I like using the whole "..." thing and I think I use it way too much, so bear with me.
  • I love Music, but tend to lately be getting sick of it fast. Music I like include: Muse, Regina Spektor, Christina Perri, Lullatone and a few other random unknown bands.
  • I live in Queensland, Australia and have lived through both a Drought AND a Flood, both are no fun.
  • I have Asperger's Syndrome... Asperger's is in some way, a milder form of Autism. In this blog I will try to post explanations of what Asperger's is and how it affects me in life.
Hopefully I succeed in keeping this blog going, as I am pretty busy with work but I will give it a try.

Thanks for reading my first entry and hope you decide to read my further posts as they come.

Ashleigh xoxo