My name is Ashleigh and I just want to say Welcome to my new blog. I used to have an old blog but I kinda stopped writing in it and forgot the web address, so I had to start a new one.
The name of this blog has a meaning behind it, and I would like to make a short explanation. Don't worry, I will do more of an explanation in further blogs. The name came from a Blog a friend of mine wrote while she was sick with Bone Cancer. Her blog entry, which was called "Kiss the Rain" named after the Yiruma song of the same name, was about what her view of what Heaven would be like. In this blog she wrote that she would send Butterflies to her friends when they were sad, and since have found that butterflies seem to be everywhere when i need them. Like today for example, I was at the shops and just after having lunch I walked past the health food shop and, what did it see, a stainless steel water bottle with Blue Butterflies on it. I'm guessing my friend knew that's what I needed for work and somehow sneakily told me to look in there as I passed. I did, in fact, buy that water bottle just as a bit of a reminder... ok, maybe just a little bit because I needed it.
As this is my first entry, here are some random facts about me...
- You already know my name, so I'll say my current age which is 19. Yes I am a relatively young blogger but nobody really cares about your age when your blogging...
- I like using the whole "..." thing and I think I use it way too much, so bear with me.
- I love Music, but tend to lately be getting sick of it fast. Music I like include: Muse, Regina Spektor, Christina Perri, Lullatone and a few other random unknown bands.
- I live in Queensland, Australia and have lived through both a Drought AND a Flood, both are no fun.
- I have Asperger's Syndrome... Asperger's is in some way, a milder form of Autism. In this blog I will try to post explanations of what Asperger's is and how it affects me in life.
Thanks for reading my first entry and hope you decide to read my further posts as they come.
Ashleigh xoxo
Awesome! - loooking forward to reading more ash :)